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Showing posts from December, 2019

Notification on January 01, 2020

On 1st January 2020, a notification was released, which stated that all book publishing houses, distributing houses, and authors who fully or partially own their copyright and/or use the copyright symbol or have an ISBN and/or ISBN barcode in their book must obtain a certificate of copyright from INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ORGANIZATION (ICRIPRO) if the book has been published internationally in more than one country or on any international platform. This notification created a lot of buzz in the publishing industry, and there were mixed reactions from authors and publishers alike. he notification also stated that failure to obtain the certificate could result in legal action being taken against the author or publisher. The notification had several implications for authors and publishers. Firstly, it meant that authors and publishers had to pay a fee to obtain the certificate of copyright from INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ORG...