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Notification on January 01, 2020

On 1st January 2020, a notification was released, which stated that all book publishing houses, distributing houses, and authors who fully or partially own their copyright and/or use the copyright symbol or have an ISBN and/or ISBN barcode in their book must obtain a certificate of copyright from INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ORGANIZATION (ICRIPRO) if the book has been published internationally in more than one country or on any international platform. This notification created a lot of buzz in the publishing industry, and there were mixed reactions from authors and publishers alike. he notification also stated that failure to obtain the certificate could result in legal action being taken against the author or publisher.

The notification had several implications for authors and publishers. Firstly, it meant that authors and publishers had to pay a fee to obtain the certificate of copyright from INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ORGANIZATION (ICRIPRO). This fee varied depending on the country of publication and the number of copies sold. 

Secondly, it meant that authors and publishers had to go through the registration process, which could be time-consuming and complex. Thirdly, it meant that authors and publishers had to keep track of their book's international sales and platforms, which could be challenging. 

The notification also had implications for readers. With the new requirement, the cost of producing and distributing books could increase. This could lead to higher prices for readers, making books less accessible to some. Furthermore, the requirement could make it more difficult for authors to publish their work internationally, as the cost of obtaining the certificate of copyright could be prohibitive.

The response to the notification was mixed. Some authors and publishers welcomed the requirement, as it added an extra layer of protection for their work. They felt that the fee was reasonable and that the registration process was straightforward. Others, however, were critical of the requirement. 

They felt that it was an unnecessary burden on authors and publishers, and that the fee was too high. Some also felt that the requirement was unfair to self-published authors, who would have to bear the cost of obtaining the certificate themselves. Critics of the requirement also argued that it could stifle creativity and innovation. 

They felt that the requirement would discourage authors from publishing internationally, as the cost of obtaining the certificate of copyright could be prohibitive. This could lead to a decrease in the diversity of voices and perspectives in the publishing industry.

Ultimately, the requirement could have a significant impact on the accessibility and diversity of the publishing industry. It remains to be seen how this requirement will be implemented and enforced and what its long-term effects will be. Nonetheless, it is essential for authors and publishers to understand the implications of this requirement and take steps to comply with it if necessary.


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